“Global, urgent and necessary”, says environmental consultant on the topic of the 25th Fica
Julio Mesquita
6 May, 2024
“Global, urgent and necessary”, says environmental consultant on the topic of the 25th Fica

From June 11th to 16th, the festival will discuss topics involving “Technology, Innovation and Climate Change”. 42 audiovisual productions will be shown, in addition to workshops and courses, in the City of Goiás.

The 25th edition of the International Environmental Film and Video Festival (Fica) will take place between the 11th and 16th of June, in the city of Goiás, and will address the theme “Technology, Innovation and Climate Change”. The objective is to open reflections and debates about the relationship between human beings and nature and the consequences for the planet.

For six days, the City of Goiás will be the stage for discussions and activities fundamental to the future of the planet, starting with the screening of the 42 films selected in the four Competitive Shows, in addition to workshops, courses and debates, which will raise the level and access to knowledge about what the proposed topic involves.

The reflection that takes place in 2024 aligns itself with the vision of the future inseparable from the environmental issues that has always guided other editions. How can technology and innovation contribute to the scenario of accelerating climate change? What technologies – high tech, traditional, indigenous? What are the limits of these contributions if humanity does not change the ethics of its relationship with nature? The complexity of this theme only inspires us to seek the answers to all the questions it raises.

Choice and relevance of the topic
The professor at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) and environmental consultant, Laerte Guimarães Ferreira Júnior, highlights the current relevance of the topic and the importance of reinforcing the debate among the population.

“We need to talk about this in all possible spaces, in the most varied ways, including using audiovisual resources. Climate change constitutes one of the greatest contemporary global challenges. This theme could not be more relevant, urgent and necessary, especially thinking about the State of Goiás, which has an economy heavily based on the production of agricultural commodities, which are affected by climate change, in addition to being a major producer of food and culture, the The state is, above all, a water producer. We need to debate this issue together with the population and also think that the festival transcends the city and the State of Goiás”, he states.

For the vice-rector of Extension and Culture at UFG, Luana Ribeiro, there is a contradiction in relation to technological advances and the setback in environmental conservation. For her, “it is necessary to reverse the idea that progress in technology and innovation and environmental conservation do not go hand in hand”.

“Thus, as we experience these contradictions, the choice of the thematic focus for the 25th Fica could not be different, as it is necessary to (re)think about the future in which technology, innovation and the environment walk on the same path in favor of survival”, he adds .

Yara Nunes, Secretary of State for Culture of Goiás, corroborates: “Technology is both the cause of the various environmental problems we have faced, and the main solution tool. Fica, as one of the main environmental film festivals in the world and the main one in Brazil, is an important channel to enrich this debate in the search for solutions and engagement”.

Multicultural event
Fica 2024 has a vast free program, with competitive exhibitions, debates with big names in national and international cinema, environmental activities and cultural attractions. The 25th edition of the festival is organized by the Government of Goiás, through the State Secretariat for Culture (Secult), in collaboration with the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), through the Educational Radio and Television Foundation (RTVE).

The festival is supported by the Goiás Social program; of the State Secretariats for Resumption; of Science, Technology and Innovation (Secti); and Environment and Sustainable Development (Semad); Saneago; State University of Goiás (UEG), Federal Institute of Goiás (IFG); Social Service of Commerce (Sesc) and City Hall of the city of Goiás. This year the event also has as supporters the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco), National Foundation of Indigenous Peoples (Funai) and Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz).

Olho Strategic Communication
State Secretariat for Culture – Government of Goiás

Photo credit: Secult Goiás

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