Cleubismar - CDJOTA


The documentary covers the story of Gari and Artist from Goiás, Rhafael Moisés, known as Rapper Yellow. A worker at the Urbanization Company of the Municipality of Goiânia (COMURG), since 2009, he has provided an essential service for the city. Since 1999, he has been a member of the Movimento Hip Hop Goiano, currently the artist has recorded more than 80 songs and 12 music videos released, many of these compositions inspired by the city's streets.

Watch this film on the FICA TV platform

Session at FICA

June 14th - 5pm


Indicative rating | Film rating



Unprecedented in Brazil | Will this be a Brazilian Premiere?

Yes Sim


Direction | direction

Cleubismar - CDJOTA


Script | Script

Cleubismar de Jesus


Art Direction | Production Design

Cleubismar - CDJOTA


Photography direction | Cinematography

Cleubismar - CDJOTA


Sound | Sound

Cleubismar - CDJOTA


Soundtrack | Soundtrack

Cleubismar - CDJOTA and Rap Group ATropaH2


Assembly | Editing

Cleubismar - CDJOTA and Gesley Brasil do Espirito Santo


Production | Production

Cleubismar - CDJOTA


Cast | Cast

Main: Rhafael Moisés Pereira dos Santos (Yellow)

Guest: Sérgio de Almeida Ferreira (Rapper Ras Tibuia)

Participation: Luiz Carlos Rosa de Oliveira (Gari)


Distribution | Distribution and/or Sales Agent

Gyn Cultural Advisory


Other Credits | Other Credits

Photography (Camera 2): Pedro Pazini


Contact email | Contact Email[