Fica 2024 generates positive impacts on the economy and environment of the city of Goiás
Julio Mesquita
Jun 18, 2024
Fica 2024 generates positive impacts on the economy and environment of the city of Goiás

Hotel, commercial, tourist and cultural sectors are the biggest beneficiaries. Sustainability actions also ensured a positive return from the festival

The positive impacts of the 25th edition of the International Environmental Film and Video Festival (Fica) in the city of Goiás are felt especially in the local economy and environmental conservation. Hiring, investments and large movement of people benefited the hotel, commercial, tourist and cultural sectors. The event also promoted several sustainability actions.

“Fifica is a direct investment by the State Government in the city of Goiás. It is employment and income generated with hundreds of Vilaboenses hired directly by our production, in addition to indirect hiring and the return that tourists bring to the municipality”, highlights Yara Nunes , Secretary of State Culture.

This year, Fica attracted around 45 thousand people to the city of Goiás and boosted the city's economy. In addition to commerce, with restaurants, shops and handicrafts selling more, the accommodation sector also benefits from the high demand for the days of the event, which this year caused all 1,500 beds in the eternal Vila Boa to be full. “The impact that Fica generates in our sector is very good, which also encompasses a tourism production chain, not only hotels and inns, but restaurants, tourism agencies, tour guides”, explains Jhonatan Soares, vice-president from the Association of Restaurants, Inns, Hotels and Similar Services of the city of Goiás (ARPHOS).

The 25th edition featured several services and professionals hired directly from the city of Goiás. There were 17 accredited local restaurants, local internet services, tourism consultants, producers, assistants, curators, in addition to specific notices for hiring artists, exhibitors for the gastronomic fair and local artisans.

Marcos Paulo Lemos is the owner of one of the accredited gastronomic establishments. He applauds the festival's initiative to contract directly with local restaurants. For him, this was an important recognition of the event. “Production was done right here, each establishment offered what it already offers, and the money stayed here. So, with this initiative, we stop being a stage and become protagonists”, he celebrates.

The mayor of the city of Goiás, Aderson Gouvea, reinforces the festival's ability to move the city in several aspects. “The city’s occupancy rate was already at its limit even before the event. So, this directly impacts the generation of money and the circulation of the economy, which becomes notable when seeing people consuming the most varied services and products.”

In relation to the environment, several actions such as selective collection with the city's cooperative, planting trees, recovery of environmental areas such as the source of the Chapéu de Padre stream, compensation for greenhouse gas emissions and various training actions, such as workshops and lectures, guarantee the positive return of the festival to the environment in the City of Goiás. The 100 trash cans used at the festival will also be destined for the city's schools.

Even though it is the biggest festival among all editions, Fica 2024 did not generate incidents with the Military Police. According to Márcio Ferreira Leite, lieutenant colonel of the PM in the city, the overt and preventive policing was fundamental to the safety and tranquility of the event.

“We had no complications. This is the result of effective and consistent work that we did in an integrated manner with several units working to bring peace of mind to the community”, he highlighted.

Multicultural event
Fica was held between June 11th and 16th by the Government of Goiás, through Secult, in co-organization with the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), through the Fundação Rádio e Televisão Educativa (RTVE). The event featured a vast free program, with competitive exhibitions, debates with big names in national and international cinema, environmental activities and cultural attractions.

The festival is supported by the Goiás Social program; of the State Secretariats for Resumption; of Science, Technology and Innovation (Secti); and Environment and Sustainable Development (Semad); Saneago; State University of Goiás (UEG), Federal Institute of Goiás (IFG); Social Service of Commerce (Sesc) and Goiás City Hall. This year the event also has as supporters the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco), National Museum of Indigenous Peoples/Funai, Oswaldo Foundation Cruz (Fiocruz), Grupo Kelldrin and Saga BYD.

Photos: Yan Rissatti / Lucas Diener / Vinícius Schmidt

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