International Environmental Film and Video Festival (Fica) releases complete official program
Julio Mesquita
May 31, 2024
International Environmental Film and Video Festival (Fica) releases complete official program

Edition of records, 25th Fica consolidates international representation and offers a varied program, with new features and unprecedented partnerships. Festival takes place from June 11th to 16th in the City of Goiás

The complete official program for the 25th International Environmental Film and Video Festival (Fica) is now available. Celebrating 25 years of the festival, which will be held between the 11th and 16th of June in the City of Goiás, this edition brings a vast program, with great news and unprecedented partnerships. To access the detailed and complete program, visit the festival's official website:

Fica is carried out by the Government of Goiás, through the State Secretariat for Culture (Secult), in co-organization with the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), through the Educational Radio and Television Foundation (RTVE). The festival also has support from the Goiás Social program, the State Secretariats for Resumption, Science, Technology and Innovation (Secti), and Environment and Sustainable Development (Semad), Saneago, State University of Goiás (UEG), Instituto Federal Government of Goiás (IFG), Social Service of Commerce (Sesc), Goiás City Hall, Kelldrin Group and Saga BYD.

The event will feature a varied program, including competitive exhibitions, parallel exhibitions, short courses, workshops, special film sessions, meetings of film schools and directors, tributes, debate tables, forums, conversation circles, multi-ethnic tent, exhibitions, fairs of crafts and gastronomy, special partner programming, in addition to cultural programming with local, regional and national artists, such as Sandra Sá, band Ira! and Silva. Among the personalities, Paulo Teixeira, minister of Agrarian Development, Kátia Abreu, former minister of Agriculture, journalist Pedro Doria and actor Matheus Nachtergaele, are some of those present in this edition.

Starting with the theme “Technology, Innovation and Climate Change”, the festival brings to the center of the debate a current and important discussion about the role of technology in the major systemic changes that the environment needs to go through. Fica is aligned with the debates of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP-30), which will be held in 2025, in the city of Belém (PA).

The 25th Fica marks the edition of records. The festival consolidated its representation on the international scene, being the edition with the largest number of international films registered in history, 1,078 productions from 76 countries on five continents. In Brazil, 26 of the 27 states participated in the selection. This edition of Fica was also the one with the highest number of women directors, almost half of the productions are directed by women, a major advance in female representation in the audiovisual market.

Furthermore, Fica 2024 has great partners such as the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco), the embassies of Belgium and Canada, who are bringing more art and knowledge to the event, the National Foundation of Indigenous Peoples (Funai) and Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz).

“The biggest of all Fica’s transformations is the amount of participation, not only from people from Goiás, but from international institutions and organizations. So the audience this year is very diverse, further demonstrating the credibility of the festival, in addition to the number of films we received, which even gave the opportunity to open a second cinema, with the participation of indigenous people with their own exhibition. also, and this shows that Fica, every year, is taking on greater proportions and greater credibility”, says Yara Nunes, State Secretary of Culture.

One of the big news of this edition is the creation of the Competitive Exhibition of Indigenous Cinema and Traditional Peoples with the aim of strengthening audiovisual production made by people who are part of the communities and territories. In addition to this exhibition, the festival also has three other competitions: Mostra Washington Novaes, Mostra do Cinema Goiano and Mostra Becos da Minha Terra, exclusively for local productions.

A second cinema was also created, in partnership with the Court of Justice of Goiás (TJGO), in which more films will be shown and will be another option, in addition to the Cine Teatro São Joaquim.

Fica 2024 will also have an exclusive activity for children from municipal and private schools: the 1st Children's Forum on climate change, in which students will develop proposals for environmental solutions and deliver them to the authorities during the festival. In addition, an Accommodation Center was created to help the public find vacancies in hotels, inns and rental houses.

Shows and artistic presentations
During the six days of the festival, the city of Goiás will host a variety of artistic and cultural attractions, such as celebrations, musical performances, poetry vocals, circus performances, hip hop, capoeira and much more, which will be held on the Coreto Stage and the Municipal Market Stage.

On Friday night (14/06), singer Sandra Sá entertains the audience on the Praça de Eventos stage, followed by the band Ira!, on Saturday (15/06), and Silva closing the 25th edition, on Sunday (06/16).

Special sessions
In addition to the entire film program from the four Competitive Exhibitions, Fica also features a vast content from partner productions, such as Mostra Fiocruz, the sessions of the Embassies of Belgium and Canada, Fica Animado, University Cinema Exhibition – Visions of Future, in partnership with the State University of Goiás (UEG), the Mapbiomas session, the Session Promoted by the Association of Black Audiovisual Professionals (Apan), the Cineclub Meeting Session, in addition to the sessions by Saneago, Semad and the Regional Labor Court (TRT).

The 25th Fica will also feature three visual arts exhibitions: at Palácio Conde dos Arcos, with works by local and regional artists; the exhibition by Brazilian photographer and filmmaker Rosa Berardo, at the Casa de Memória do Judiciário; and, finally, a visit to the house of Vilabo artist Goiandira do Couto. In this edition, the artist from Goiás Sallisa Rosa is honored and created the second official poster for the festival.

Stay Sustainable
One of the festival's biggest concerns is sustainable actions throughout the event. The collection of recyclable waste from Fica 2024, for example, will be carried out by the city's collectors' cooperative. In addition, the area known as Chapéu de Padre will be revitalized, with cleaning, planting of native Cerrado species and site recovery actions, in addition to all promotional material for the festival being made with recyclable products.

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