Training Actions

Movie theater

From Idea to Roadmap for Black Professionals

Photo: Maíra Oliveira

Date: June 12th to 14th
Time: 10am to 12pm
Location: Santana College
Vacancies: 20

The workshop “From idea to script” aims to address fundamental concepts and tools for the elaboration and development of audiovisual projects, from the Brazilian center-west, dialoguing with global audiences. 

Participants will be invited to investigate strengths and obstacles to be overcome in their stories, and at the end of the journey, it is expected that they will be able to identify the importance of telling them from within, in the construction of a plural imaginary and, furthermore, that they will follow in the search for new bases to do so. 

Selection from synopsis (one page) and motivation letter (one page)

Maíra Oliveira

Maíra Oliveira is a screenwriter, director and educator, with a degree in Pedagogy and a master's degree in Performing Arts, with a special interest in stories with black and female representation that subvert stereotypes. Author of the children's books “Mari, the little seed” (Ed. Nandyala) and “I miss my grandma!” (Ed. Oriki), several anthologies and the theatrical shows “Yabá: Mulheres Negras” and “Duas Fridas”. She is a script teacher and audiovisual project consultant at Roteiraria and various training processes, having guided more than 200 audiovisual projects, at different stages of development. He directed the film “Encruza” (best film at the Afronte Festival!). Screenwriter of the project “Um Ano Ano Inesquecível” in the films “Primavera” and “Verão” (Panorâmica/Amazon), “Papai é pop” (Pródigo/Galeria – finalist of the 22nd Brazilian Cinema Grand Prix), “Ricos de Amor 2” ( Ananã/Netflix), the children's program “Quintal TV” (Delicatessen/Canal Futura – voted Best Live-Action Television at the 39th Chicago International Children's Film Festival) and the series “Mila no Multiverso” (Boutique Filmes/Disney+). He created the script for the series “A Magia de Aruna” on (Formata/Disney+), also serving as chief screenwriter. He was actively involved in the development of more than 30 audiovisual projects, for Globo, Disney+, Canal Brasil, Netflix, Paramount and HBO in partnership with the country's main producers. She was President of the Brazilian Association of Screenwriters (ABRA) from 2021/2022 and is currently a Southeast Advisor of the Association of Black Audiovisual Professionals.

Listening and telling stories: a podcast workshop with Trovão Mídia

Photo: Ana Bonomi

Photo: José Orenstein

Date: June 12th to 14th
Time: 10am to 12pm
Location: Santana College
Vacancies: 20

In a world saturated with screens and ephemeral visual stimuli, stopping to listen – and tell – a story is transformative. At this year's FICA, we invite you to explore the world of podcasts in a practical way with Trovão Mídia. Under the guidance of experienced professionals, participants will have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the power of audio as a means of expression and: get to know the behind-the-scenes of the Brazilian podcast market, discover storytelling techniques through critical listening to episodes, learn to develop an authorial project, receive comments and personalized guidance.

Selection criteria: if the number of registrations exceeds the number of vacancies, priority will be given to: 1) race and gender balance, 2) people from areas related to the workshop theme, 3) draw.

Ana Bonomi (Trovão Mídia), José Orenstein (Trovão Mídia)

Ana Bonomi is the co-founder of Trovão Mídia, a podcast producer launched in 2020 and responsible for airing more than 40 shows, including partnerships and originals, such as “Alexandre” and “Pico dos Marins”. Ana is an economist, graduated from FGV-SP, was a visiting researcher at MIT, in Boston, and worked with communications and marketing for large agencies and brands in the Brazilian market.

José Orenstein is the co-founder of Trovão Mídia, a podcast production company launched in 2020 and responsible for airing more than 40 shows, including partnerships and originals, such as “Alexandre” and “Pico dos Marins”. As a journalist, he worked for more than ten years in the newsrooms of Folha, Estadão and Nexo.

About Thunder
Trovão Mídia is a podcast production company founded in 2020 by Ana Bonomi and José Orenstein, in São Paulo. Trovão has already produced more than 40 podcasts – some of them reached the top of the audience rankings and were recognized in the platforms' best of the year lists and by the press. In 2023, Trovão created and launched the Alexandre podcast, an original produced in partnership with Piauí magazine. The six-episode podcast has more than 2.5 million downloads, and was chosen by Spotify and Apple as one of the top podcasts of 2023. Specializing in narrative podcasts, Trovão has productions in partnership with the main audio platforms, such as Spotify (Pavulagem, Nós), Globoplay (Pico dos Marins, Rita Lee: Outra Autobiografia), Deezer (Só Acho Engrado Que), Wondery (Má Influence) and Amazon Music (Rediscover, Bunga Bunga). He has also done podcasts for artists such as Nando Reis and outlets such as Panelinha, from Rita Lobo, Lupa agency and Piauí magazine. He also worked on creating audio stories for institutions such as the Fundação Bienal de São Paulo, SESC-SP, the Football Museum and the Pivô cultural center, as well as companies such as Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, Banco Santander and 99, and NGOs such as WWF, ISA and Funbio.


Climate Change: Knowledge and action to transform the climate into an ally.

Photo: Angel Chovert

Date: June 12th to 15th
Time: 8am to 12pm
Location: Santana College
Vacancies: 30

What is the difference between weather and climate? How important is the atmosphere for life? How is the atmosphere monitored? Is the atmosphere warmer? How is weather and climate forecasted? What is the difference between anomaly, variability and climate change? Why did the floods, flooding and flooding occur in Rio Grande do Sul? Is the Brazilian Cerrado affected by climate change? What is the current scenario and future projections for the climate in the Cerrado? A mini-course designed to offer a broad understanding of the climate issue and its impacts on the Cerrado.

Selection criteria: if there are more applicants than there are places available, the following criteria will be used: 1) gender and race balance, 2) applicants from areas related to the course theme, 3) draw.


Angel Chovert (CEMPA/UFG)

He has a degree in Meteorology from the Higher Institute of Applied Technologies and Sciences, Havana, Cuba (2013), a Master's degree in Meteorology from the Federal University of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (2016) and a PhD in Meteorology from the National Institute for Space Research, São Paulo, Brazil (2021). He has experience in the area of Geosciences, with an emphasis on Meteorology, working mainly on the following topics: numerical weather forecasting, climate and atmospheric chemistry, microphysics parameterization, extreme precipitation in urban regions, operational forecasting of meteorological weather and climate, agrometeorology and remote sensing. Currently developing a meteorological multiproduct system for the Cerrado region in the Center-West of Brazil, using numerical weather forecast models. He also has experience in data processing and statistical analysis.

The history, present and future of the cerrado.

Photograph: Vinícius Mesquita

Photo: Júlia Shimbo

Date: June 12th to 15th
Time: 8am to 12pm
Location: Santana College
Vacancies: 30
Workload: 4pm

A journey of knowledge through the second largest and most threatened Brazilian biome. Considered one of the planet's biodiversity hotspots, due to its ecological richness and degree of threat, the Cerrado is the most biodiverse savannah in the world and also the main base of Brazilian agribusiness. Follow researchers Vinícius Mesquita, from the Image Processing and Geoprocessing Laboratory at the Federal University of Goiás, Júlia Shimbo, from Mapbiomas, and Mário Barroso, from TNC, The Nature Conservancy in a broad historical, ecological and use and occupation overview of the biome which will conclude with a practical activity in which the Cerrado of the municipality of Goiás will be explored in its richness and history of occupation.

Selection criteria: if there are more applicants than there are places available, the following criteria will be used: 1) gender and race balance, 2) applicants from areas related to the course theme, 3) draw.

Vinicius Mesquita (LAPIG/UFG) and Julia Shimbo

Vinícius Vieira Mesquita is a Research Associate at LAPIG/UFG, Technical Coordinator of Mapping and Monitoring of Pasture Areas in Brazil in the MapBiomas initiative and member of the Global Pasture Watch/WRI initiative. PhD student in Environmental Sciences, Master in Environmental Sciences and Bachelor in Geography, both from the Federal University of Goiás, where he has dedicated himself for more than 10 years to research involving changes in land use and cover and environmental monitoring. He is currently working on improving mapping, monitoring, interpretation and characterization techniques for pastures using Big Data and Machine Learning.

Julia Shimbo is the Scientific Coordinator of MapBiomas, a collaborative network of more than 85 organizations in Brazil and 13 other countries that monitors land use to promote the sustainable management of natural resources and the fight against climate change. An ecologist with a master's degree in Geosciences from UNESP-Rio Claro and a PhD in Ecology from UnB with a degree from the University of New Hampshire/USA, she works mainly on understanding changes in land use in the tropics and their impacts on climate change, ecosystems and people. Julia completed a postdoctoral degree at the Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM) where she is currently a researcher, in addition to being a member of the team in the Land Use Change sector of the Greenhouse Gas Emission Estimation System (SEEG).

Partner Training Actions

Hive at FICA 2024 and Cineclubista Meeting at FICA 2024

Main goal:

Train cultural agents interested in or already active in audiovisual broadcasting and training through film clubs and documentary audiovisual production.

General Production: Leo Cassimir


MEL – Meeting of Cultural Agents

Thematic table: How to disseminate and audiovisual training through film clubs?

Film club members: Analu Reis, Alexandre Augusto and Kely Carvalho

Mediation: Dalily Stéfany

Day: 06/14

Hours: 9am to 12pm

Location: Colégio Santana – Room 08


NECTAR – Collective Cultural Projects Laboratory

1 – Group for developing film club projects for public notices.

Reading and mentoring: Tadeu Ribeiro da Costa.

Day: 06/14

Time: 2pm to 5pm

Location: Colégio Santana – Room 08


2 – Documentary project development group

Reading and mentoring: Ale Gama.

Day: 06/14

Time: 2pm to 5pm

Location: Colégio Santana – Room 09


Cineclubist Meeting at FICA 2024

The “Cineclub Meeting” brings together participants from film clubs to evaluate film club activity, establish partnerships and train. 

Theme: Cineclubes – broadcasting and audiovisual training in Goiás.

General Objective: Bring together people who work with broadcasting and audiovisual training through film clubs during FICA 2024. 

Specific objectives:

  1. Share challenges and perspectives of film society; 
  2. Promote partnerships between film clubs; 
  3. Elect the board of directors of the União de Cineclubes de Goiás; 
  4. Train participants regarding the relationship between cinema and the environment.


Table – Challenges and perspectives of film society in Goiás

Mediation: Francisco Lillo

Day: 06/15 

Hours: 9am to 12pm

Location: Colégio Santana – Room: 4


Film Club Session – film clubs, audiovisual and environment. 

Mediation: Francisco Lillo 

Guests: Marta Kalunga, Helena Sicsu and Luiz Eduardo Rosa 

Day: 06/15

Time: 2pm to 3:30pm

Location: Exhibition room 2



Doc, 8min20sec, 2018

Cast: Boanerges Filho, Carlos Brandão, Sidi Leite,Fabrício Cordeiro, Victor Vinícius and Samuel Peregrino

With: Amanda Ramos, Bruna Chamelet, Cindy Faria,Erik Ely, Kariny Ellen, Manuela Guerra and Walter


Narration: Erik Ely

Direction, Screenplay and Photography: Erik Ely

Direction Assistance: Amanda Ramos

Production: Kariny Ellen

Art: Cindy Faria

Sound: Manuela Guerra

Clapperboard and Continuist: Walter Schroden

Assembly and Editing: Bruna Chamelet


This is a documentary film. He tells the story ofGeovani, a lawyer who lives in Goiânia. Geovani watch a movie. I don't know where he watches this film. I don't know why he watches this movie. I just I know he should watch this movie. After all, what is the point of making a film if there is no one to to attend?


Summary: The Virada Ambiental project has been taking place since 2019, as part of an initiative by Prof. Emiliano Godói, from EECA-UFG. The objective is to make everyone aware of the importance of biodiversity and how environmental degradation brings serious problems to the world and humanity. Since the beginning of the project, hundreds of thousands of seedlings have been planted in degraded permanent preservation areas.

More than 200 municipalities in Goiás and cities in 16 other Brazilian states have already joined the project.
On the occasion of 25 FICA, the project intends to invite the eleven municipalities that make
part of the Rio Vermelho Hydrographic Basin to learn about and join the project with the planting of 1,000 seedlings per year between 2024 and 2028.

Lecturer(s): Prof. Emiliano Godói
Hours: 2 hours
Date: June 14th
Time: 10am to 12pm
Number of participants: 20
The selection is made up of representatives from the 11 municipalities that form the Rio Vermelho basin,
Who is the workshop manager?
Prof. Emiliano Godói is a professor at UFG and creator of the Virada Ambiental Project



The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization – UNESCO, in partnership with the Brazilian Network of Biosphere Reserves, the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples and the Ministry of Racial Equality, is promoting the “Intercultural Dialogues in Biosphere Reserves – 2024 / 2025”, with the aim of encouraging the protagonism of indigenous people and people of African descent and expanding representation in the governance bodies of Biosphere Reserves in Brazil. In this dialogue we will reflect on UNESCO's mandate areas, such as education, culture, natural, human and social sciences, communication, and their relationship with the reality of indigenous and quilombola peoples. This collective construction process will result in the “National Action Plan for the Implementation of the Rights of Indigenous and Afro-descendant Peoples in Brazilian Biosphere Reserves – 2026 / 2035”, which will be an important tool to assist in the elaboration of public policies, directing investment in the sector private sector and support the decision-making of traditional communities. During FICA, UNESCO will promote this listening and reflection with all indigenous and quilombola leaders present.

Location: Colégio Santana – Auditorium 1

Day: 13/06

Schedules: from 9am to 12pm and the2pm to 6pm



Climate Change for children and youth education

Summary: The Workshop will provide accessible pedagogical tools to work on the subject of Climate Change with children and adolescents, whether in the classroom or complementary training. The tools will explore technology, artificial intelligence, interaction and “hands-on” education. 

Responsible: Manager of Climate Change and Ecosystem Services of the State Secretariat for the Environment and Sustainable Development of Goiás, Milvo Gabriel Prevedello Di Domenico  

Day: 13/06

Time: 10am to 11:30am

Location: Colégio Santana – Room 06


Calculation of FICA greenhouse gas emissions.

Objective: Carry out the greenhouse gas inventory resulting from FICA 2024.

 Summary: The workshop will explore all activities accounted for, the information obtained and the calculation methodology. Finally, options will be discussed to mitigate emissions in future editions, ways to offset emissions corresponding to the 2024 edition and improve the accuracy of calculations.

Responsible: Manager of Climate Change and Ecosystem Services of the State Secretariat for the Environment and Sustainable Development of Goiás, Milvo Gabriel Prevedello Di Domenico 

Day: 06/14

Time:10am to 11:30am

Location: Colégio Santana – Room 06


Cerrado fields: how to differentiate preserved native fields from pastures?

Summary: Awareness-raising workshop on the importance of the Cerrado's grassland and savanna areas and application of practical strategies to: 1) differentiate between native Cerrado grasses and exotic grasses; 2) identify indicator species of conserved areas and 3) identify the phytophysiognomies of the Cerrado. For the workshop, the “Manual for identification and conservation of the open physiognomies of the Cerrado”, textual material recently produced by the “Campos do Cerrado” project, and demonstrations of botanical material will be used as a guide.


Prof. Dr. Natashi Pilon (UNICAMP) 

Prof. Dr. Rafael Oliveira (UNICAMP) 

Dr. Franciele Parreira Peixoto – Environmental Analyst GEBIO/SEMAD –  

Day: 06/15

Time: 10am to 12pm

Location: Colégio Santana – Room 06




The Sukatech program, from the State Secretariat for Science, Technology and Innovation, aims to collect, treat and recondition electronic equipment, works to donate computers for digital inclusion and offers courses in the area of technology for FICA 2024.

Computer maintenance: 

Aimed at people with minimal computer knowledge, the workshop introduces participants to the components present in the computer, the function of each one, how to repair and replace parts, as well as quick configuration. 

Duration time: 2 hours 

Instructor: Wesley Pereira Neves

June 13th, 14th and 15th

9am to 11am

Colégio Santana – Covered Courtyard

20 spaces each day

On-site registration


Aimed at people with no knowledge of robotics, the workshop introduces participants to the methodology of working with robotics elements, showing concepts of energy, electricity, electronics, motors, components and programming. Participants will also build the Paixometer and electromotricity project. 

Duration time: 2 hours 

Instructor: Wesley Pereira Neves

June 13th, 14th and 15th

2pm to 4pm

Colégio Santana – Covered Courtyard

20 spaces each day

On-site registration


Tent with a presentation of reverse logistics and circular economy, with a disposal box for electronic equipment for the general population. 



Zero Waste Movement Goiás – Recicla Goiás/Cotec/Fica 2024
The workshops and lectures will be given by Domingos de Sávio Sales Duarte and Raquel Ferreira de Sousa Pires Sales

Workshop:   Making a Zero Waste Ecobag

The workshop consists of reusing/transforming used cotton t-shirts into ecobags. Free audience, rotating activity, limit of participants depending on availability of materials.

Day: 12/06 – 9:00 to 11:00 

Day: 13/06 – 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Workshop:  Making a Zero Waste domestic compost bin 

The workshop consists of transforming 15 kg margarine buckets into home compost bins. Free Public, the activity once started is no longer possible to participate, limit of participants depending on the amount of material available. 

Day: 13/06 – 09:00 to 11:00 

Day: 14/06 – 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm 

Workshop: Making a Sustainable Zero Waste Cart 

The workshop consists of reusing/transforming popsicle sticks, CDs, caps and other materials in a cart that moves by traction. Free audience, rotating activity, limit of participants depending on the amount of material available. 

Day: 12/06 – 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm 

Day: 06/14 – 09:00 to 11:00

Lecture: What is Zero Waste

Free public

Day 15/06 – 09:00 to 11:00 

Lecture: What is SDG

Free public 

Day 16/06 – 09:00 to 11:00 


Rethinking the present and green and adapted future of the Chapéu de Padre Basin in the city of Goiás. 

Summary: the theoretical-practical workshop Rethinking the present and green and adapted future of the Chapéu de Padre Basin in the city of Goiás will take place on the 12th (morning-afternoon), 15th (morning-afternoon) and 16th June 2024, in the morning (8am-12pm). It will address topics related to Landscape, Climate Crisis and Nature-Based Solutions (SbN), focusing on the debate on the construction of climate refuges, using SbNs. 

The objective is to understand the green infrastructure of the Cerratense landscape in the city of Goiás, starting from the Córrego do Chapéu de Padre, proposing nature-based solutions (SbN), incorporating the community's popular knowledge and valuing local biodiversity. To this end, initially, it seeks to identify and analyze the vegetation, mainly Non-Conventional Food Plants (PANCS), which are part of the backyards of the “inhabitants-landscapers” of the City of Goiás, mobilizing their memories and desires, whether shared or individual, related to vegetation, the Garden, the Chapéu de Padre Stream and the City of Goiás. 

In a second step, collectively propose specific infrastructure solutions and a garden, which will be implemented collectively, for a specific section of the Chapéu de Padre Stream Basin. 


Speaker(s): Camila Gomes Sant'Anna and Ariane Magda Borges

Workload: 11 hours

Date: June 12th, 15th and 16th. 


8am to 12pm – 2pm to 5pm (12/06)

8am to 12pm – 2pm to 5pm (06/15)

8am to 12pm – morning 

Number of participants: 30

What selection criteria

Brief paragraph of intention and interest in participating in practical activity. 

Who are the workshops? 

Camila Sant'Anna is a professor at the Faculty of Architecture at the Federal University of Bahia and her studies include topics such as the climate crisis, landscape planning and design, communities, green infrastructure and NBS.

Ariane Borges is a professor of the Architecture and Urbanism course at UFG – Campus Goiás and works in the areas of Expression and Representation, Games, Gamification and Heritage Documentation.

Alessandra Gomes de Castro is a professor at the federal university of Goiás on the Rural Education course and has a PhD in Education from the federal university of Rio de Janeiro.

Training Activities


Location: Goiás Municipal Health Department Tent 


Daily activities: from June 12th to 15th

Hours: 8am to 5pm 

Guidelines; Therapeutic Workshops; Speeches; “Coffee with prose” conversation circles; Presentations; Cultural; PANCs workshops – “Make your food your medicine” (production and tasting). Services and demonstration of services and programs offered by the Municipality: 

– Primary Care Stand 

– Health Surveillance Stand 

– CAPS stand and Rehabilitation team 

– SAMU/SAD Stand 

– Children’s Space – Pedagogical Activities 

Workshop:  Making a Zero Waste domestic compost bin 

The workshop consists of transforming 15 kg margarine buckets into home compost bins. Free Public, the activity once started is no longer possible to participate, limit of participants depending on the amount of material available. 

Day: 13/06 – 09:00 to 11:00 

Day: 14/06 – 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm 

Workshop: Making a Sustainable Zero Waste Cart 

The workshop consists of reusing/transforming popsicle sticks, CDs, caps and other materials in a cart that moves by traction. Free audience, rotating activity, limit of participants depending on the amount of material available. 

Day: 12/06 – 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm 

Day: 06/14 – 09:00 to 11:00

Lecture: What is Zero Waste

Free public

Day 15/06 – 09:00 to 11:00 


8am: PANCs Workshop – PRODUCTION OF PASSION FRUIT CANDY Maria Luiza da Silva – Raizera, Coordinator of the Pastoral da Saúde and the House of Family Agriculture in the City of Goiás. 

9am: Conversation circle – “Coffee with prose” – MENSTRUAL DIGNITY Ellen Rodrigues, Coordinator, Nurse at the Tasso de Camargo Basic Health Unit.