Fica 2024 sustainability actions advance in the city of Goiás
Julio Mesquita
Jul 19, 2024
Fica 2024 sustainability actions advance in the city of Goiás

Dumpsters and containers are being distributed to public schools in the municipality and activities of the project to recover the spring of Córrego do Chapéu de Padre continue

The 25th International Environmental Film and Video Festival (Fica) was held in June, but continues to carry out sustainability actions in the city of Goiás. The event, promoted by the Government of Goiás, through the State Secretariat for Culture (Secult), with Co-organized by the RTVE Foundation and UFG, it is distributing 100 pairs of bins and containers with separation of recyclable materials to the municipality's public schools and is also moving forward with the project to recover and revitalize the source of the Córrego do Chapéu de Padre.

The bins and containers were used during the six days of the 25th edition of the festival, held between the 11th and 16th of June in the city of Goiás. The delivery of these containers involves a task force that begins with washing them, and continues with the transport of these materials to educational institutions. The action, which aims to raise awareness among children and adolescents about the correct disposal of waste, ends with dialogue with the pedagogical teams and general service workers at these school units to guide them on the use of these new sustainability tools.

The initiative, which began shortly after the end of the festival, continues in the second semester for the delivery of the last kits and involves professors from the Administration and Pedagogy course at UFG/Câmpus Goiás, under the coordination of professors Jaqueline Talga and Bruna Cruz. The action also has a partnership with the municipal departments of Education and Environment, UFG/Câmpus Goiás and the Cooperative of Collectors and Collectors Recicla Tudo.

“Fifica is leaving many fruits and a true legacy of sustainability in the city of Goiás with preservation and environmental awareness actions, which shows the transformative and social nature of this event that is already a reference in Brazil and the world”, celebrates Yara Nunes, Secretary of State for Culture.

Padre Hat Basin
Another project that began during the 25th Fica and is continuing is the recovery and revitalization of the source of the Córrego do Chapéu de Padre. On June 15, 40 species native to the Cerrado were planted at the site, in the section between the Câmpus Goiás – Cajuí Sectional Library and the University Restaurant. During the same period, the existing court between the Água Férrea and Chapéu de Padre streams was renovated, which is an area of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) and which until the 1960s and 1970s brought together residents of the region for football games. football and other collective activities, but it deteriorated over time.

Camila Sant'Anna, coordinator of the Chapéu de Padre recovery project, says that, following an invitation from the 25th Fica organization, the opportunity arose to develop a project that included returning the court to the local community. Based on the works on the court, those involved also thought of ways for the local population to get involved again with the space and promote sustainability actions, resulting in greater ecological awareness.

“Our intention was to create a series of workshops to make people take ownership of this place. One of them was planting Cerrado species. In the meantime, we held a 'greenhouse' at the Cajuí Library [UFG]. We have never received so many species of seedlings! Everyone is very excited about the project, because this court was used a lot by the population”, explains Camila. According to the coordinator, the planting of native species will also bring back the typical fauna of the region.

The workshops were held between the 10th and 13th of July, on the court, and offered opportunities to learn cartography, drawing, lettering, stenciling and affective planting of species. The next action is scheduled for July 31st and will last until August 3rd, with more planting of vegetation and other activities that will be announced soon.

The project to recover the Chapéu de Padre spring has the participation of more than 20 people, including UFG professors, students, former students and members of the Goiás Accessibility Center. The initiative has support from different municipal departments in the city of Goiás, from Secult Goiás, and also from the Goiânia Municipal Environmental Secretariat. “More than 100 people benefited, not to mention that the court started to be used by the community, not only academically, but in general”, concludes Camila Sant'Anna.

25th edition
With the theme “Technology, Innovation and Climate Change”, Fica 2024 had an investment of R$ 5.4 million and was co-organized by the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), through the Educational Radio and Television Foundation (RTVE). To reduce greenhouse gas emissions, during the six days of the event, the festival's production team drove electric cars, in partnership with Saga BYD.

State Secretariat for Culture – Government of Goiás

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