Registration for workshops at Fica 2024 is now open
Julio Mesquita
May 25, 2024
Registration for workshops at Fica 2024 is now open

Two workshops and two short courses will be offered free of charge, which will take place between the 12th and 15th of June. Interested parties must fill out the registration form on the website by May 29th.

Those interested in participating in the workshops during the 25th Edition of the International Environmental Film and Video Festival (Fica) can now register by filling out the form on the festival's official website until the 29th /05. Two workshops and two free mini-courses will be held, which will take place free of charge between the 12th and 15th of June.

Fica is carried out by the Government of Goiás, through the State Secretariat for Culture (Secult), in co-organization with the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), through the Educational Radio and Television Foundation (RTVE). The festival takes place in the city of Goiás from June 11th to 16th.

The program includes the workshop “Listen and Tell Stories: Podcast Workshop”, which takes place between the 12th and 14th, from 10am to 12pm, and with 20 places available. Taught by Ana Bonomi and José Orenstein, from Trovão Mídia, a podcast producer in São Paulo, participants will have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the power of audio as a means of expression and get to know the behind-the-scenes of the Brazilian podcast market.

The second activity is the workshop “From Idea to Script – Workshop for Black Professionals”, which is a partnership with APAN – Association of Black Audiovisual Professionals -, and will be a laboratory aimed at black audiovisual professionals. The workshop will also be held between the 12th and 14th, from 8:30 am to 12 pm, and has 20 open spaces. The workshop will be taught by screenwriter, director and educator Maíra Oliveira.

In the course schedule, the short course “Climate Change: Knowledge and action to transform the climate into an ally” takes place between the 12th and 15th of June, from 8am to 12pm, and has 30 places. The activity will be taught by researcher Angel Chovert and aims to offer a broad understanding of climate issues and their impacts on the Cerrado.

“The history, present and future of the Cerrado” is the second short course in this edition of the festival and will be held between the 12th and 15th, from 8am to 12pm, also offering 30 places. With the partnership of Mapbiomas, a collaborative land use monitoring network, the mini-course will be led by researchers Vinicius Mesquita and Julia Shimbo and aims to offer participants a broad historical, ecological and use and occupation overview of the biome.

About the ministers

Workshop “Listening and Telling Stories: Podcast Workshop”:

Ana Bonomi is the co-founder of Trovão Mídia, a podcast producer launched in 2020, and responsible for airing more than 40 shows, including partnerships and originals, such as “Alexandre” and “Pico dos Marins”. Ana is an economist, graduated from FGV-SP, was a visiting researcher at MIT, in Boston, and worked with communications and marketing for large agencies and brands in the Brazilian market.

José Orenstein is the co-founder of Trovão Mídia, a podcast production company launched in 2020 and responsible for airing more than 40 shows, including partnerships and originals, such as “Alexandre” and “Pico dos Marins”. As a journalist, he worked for more than ten years in the newsrooms of Folha, Estadão and Nexo.

Workshop “From Idea to Script – Workshop for Black Professionals”: Maíra Oliveira is a screenwriter, director and educator, graduated in Pedagogy and master's student in Performing Arts, with a special interest in stories with black and female representation that subvert stereotypes. Author of children's books and supervisor of more than 200 audiovisual projects, in different stages of development. He was actively involved in the development of more than 30 audiovisual projects, for Globo, Disney+, Canal Brasil, Netflix, Paramount and HBO in partnership with the country's main producers. She was President of the Brazilian Association of Screenwriters (ABRA) from 2021/2022 and is currently a Southeast Advisor of the Association of Black Audiovisual Professionals.

Short course “Climate Change: Knowledge and action to transform the climate into an ally”:

Angel Chovert has a Bachelor's degree in Meteorology from the Instituto Superior de Tecnologias e Ciências Aplicadas, Havana, Cuba (2013), a Master's degree in Meteorology from the Federal University of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (2016) and a PhD in Meteorology from the National Institute for Space Research , São Paulo, Brazil (2021). He has experience in the area of Geosciences, with an emphasis on Meteorology, working mainly on the following topics: numerical weather forecasting, climate and atmospheric chemistry, microphysics parameterization, extreme precipitation in urban regions, operational forecasting of meteorological weather and climate, agrometeorology and remote sensing. Currently developing a meteorological multiproduct system for the Cerrado region in the Center-West of Brazil, using numerical weather forecast models. He also has experience in data processing and statistical analysis.

Short course “The history, present and future of the Cerrado”:

Vinícius Vieira Mesquita is a Research Associate at LAPIG/UFG, Technical Coordinator of Mapping and Monitoring of Pasture Areas in Brazil in the MapBiomas initiative and member of the Global Pasture Watch/WRI initiative. PhD student in Environmental Sciences, Master in Environmental Sciences and Bachelor in Geography, both from the Federal University of Goiás, where he has dedicated himself for more than 10 years to research involving changes in land use and cover and environmental monitoring. He is currently working on improving mapping, monitoring, interpretation and characterization techniques for pastures using Big Data and Machine Learning.

Julia Shimbo is the Scientific Coordinator of MapBiomas, a collaborative network of more than 85 organizations in Brazil and 13 other countries that monitors land use to promote the sustainable management of natural resources and the fight against climate change. An ecologist with a master's degree in Geosciences from UNESP-Rio Claro and a PhD in Ecology from UnB with a degree from the University of New Hampshire/USA, she works mainly on understanding changes in land use in the tropics and their impacts on climate change, ecosystems and people. Julia completed a postdoctoral degree at the Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM) where she is currently a researcher, in addition to being a member of the team in the Land Use Change sector of the Greenhouse Gas Emission Estimation System (SEEG) .

Multicultural event
Fica 2024 has a vast free program, with competitive exhibitions, debates with big names in national and international cinema, environmental activities and cultural attractions.

The festival is supported by the Goiás Social program; of the State Secretariats for Resumption; of Science, Technology and Innovation (Secti); and Environment and Sustainable Development (Semad); Saneago; State University of Goiás (UEG), Federal Institute of Goiás (IFG); Social Service of Commerce (Sesc) and City Hall of the city of Goiás. This year the event also has as supporters the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco), National Foundation of Indigenous Peoples (Funai), Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), Grupo Kelldrin and Saga BYD.

Olho Strategic Communication

State Secretariat for Culture – Government of Goiás

Photo credit: Secult Goiás

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