International Environmental Film and Video Festival will feature a screening of Fiocruz films
Julio Mesquita
7 Jun, 2024
International Environmental Film and Video Festival will feature a screening of Fiocruz films

12 hours of films produced by different areas of the institution and focusing on health and the environment will be shown. This is the second time that Fiocruz participates in the exhibition

Considered one of the most important environmental film festivals in the world, the International Environmental Film and Video Festival (Fica) will feature the participation of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) in its 25th edition. The event will be held from June 11th to 16th, in the city of Goiás, and will address the theme “Technology, Innovation and Climate Change”.

The objective is to bring to the spotlight the debate about the role of technology in the transition towards a low-carbon economy and align the festival with the debates taking place towards COP-30, in 2025, in the city of Belém. This year the Fica has already received more than 1,110 film and documentary submissions.
12 hours of Fiocruz films produced by different areas of the institution and focusing on health and the environment will be shown. This is the second time that Fiocruz participates in the exhibition. Last year, the documentary “Saúde & Alegria” was released at Fica, which portrays, in an emotional and inspiring way, the resilience of riverside communities that live in the heart of the Amazon, on the banks of the Tapajós River. The production highlights the Saúde e Alegria project, which promotes health and guarantees attention to riverside populations, through community initiatives that have become public health policies.

Fiocruz will also coordinate the panel “Climate Change and Health: challenges and opportunities in Technology and Innovation”, on June 14th, starting at 10:30 am, at Pátio do Rosário. Participating in the activity will be senior researcher from the Institute of Advanced Studies at the University of São Paulo (USP), Carlos Nobre (online); the researcher at the Fiocruz Climate and Health Observatory, Renata Grace (in person), the vice-director of Fiocruz Brasília, Denise Silva (online) and the dean of Postgraduate Studies and Extension at the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás (PUC -GO), Priscila Valverde. The Health and Environment coordinator of Fiocruz's Vice-Presidency of Environment, Care and Health Promotion, Guilherme Franco Netto (in person), will moderate the panel.

In addition, Fiocruz will participate in the jury of the Washington Novaes International Competitive Exhibition of Films with Environmental Themes – showing and rewarding films of any length with an environmental theme from around the world.

According to Guilherme Franco Netto, Fiocruz's participation takes place within the scope of the Fiocruz Cerrados Prospection, an initiative that will create the basis for the creation of an interactive and continuous space for the institution to articulate with society, public authorities, the private sector, among others, that develop actions in the Cerrados territories, to identify Science, Technology and Information (CT&I) solutions in defense and promotion of the socio-biodiversity of the Cerrados.

Fica 2024 has a vast free program, with competitive exhibitions, debates with big names in national and international cinema, environmental activities and cultural attractions.
The 25th edition of the festival is organized by the Government of Goiás, through the State Secretariat for Culture (Secult), in collaboration with the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), through the Educational Radio and Television Foundation (RTVE). This year there will also be something new in the program with the inclusion of the Indigenous and Traditional Peoples Cinema Exhibition, aimed specifically at indigenous filmmakers. The exhibition aims to fill a gap in the Brazilian audiovisual scene, which still has few initiatives with this profile.

The festival is supported by the Goiás Social program; of the State Secretariats for Resumption; of Science, Technology and Innovation (Secti); and Environment and Sustainable Development (Semad); Saneago; State University of Goiás (UEG), Federal Institute of Goiás (IFG); Social Service of Commerce (Sesc) and City Hall of the city of Goiás. This year the event also has as supporters the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco), National Foundation of Indigenous Peoples (Funai) and Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz).

About Fica – It is the first film festival to address environmental issues in Brazil and one of the pioneers in the world. It aims to motivate reflections and debates about the relationship between human beings and nature. Consolidated as one of the most significant events of its kind, the festival is a reference both on the national and international scene.

Every year, on the screens of the historic Cine Teatro São Joaquim, in the city of Goiás, a selection of the newest, most relevant and disturbing films that deal with the relationship between human beings and nature are shown. Fica is also a forum for high-level environmental debates, always bringing together great thinkers and international leaders to discuss the present and future of the planet and humanity.

Check out the list of films that will be shown in the three sessions of Fica 2024 in the festival's official program on the website:
Film presented in 2023 at Fica:
Health & Joy Documentary:

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