Dance Funk!
Dance Funk!
Susan Santos


Funk dance emerges from black bodies in Brazilian outskirts, with passinho dos malokas (SP) and passinho foda (RJ) being one of its ramifications. These cultural manifestations are permeated by ancestral knowledge originating from the African diaspora. The documentary ''Dance Funk! They have to respect it!'', directed by Susan Santos, looks at funk from the perspective of dance as a teaching potential for teachers, about the black and Afro-diasporic culture present in contemporary times.

Watch this film on the FICA TV platform

Session at FICA

June 14th - 5pm


Indicative rating | Film rating

10 years


Unprecedented in Brazil | Will this be a Brazilian Premiere?



Direction | direction

Susan Santos


Art Direction | Production Design

Susan Santos


Photography direction | Cinematography

Lucas Wagner Nunes


Sound | Sound

Ryggie Diamantino Cruz


Soundtrack | Soundtrack

Ryggie Diamantino Cruz, Dj Seduty and Severo IDD, NGKS, Maquixx


Assembly | Editing

Lucas Wagner Nunes


Production | Production

Ginga Funk and Ginga Produções


Cast | Cast

Diego Amaral

Guilherme de Oliveira (NGKS)

Guilherme Cavalcante (NGKS)

Jo Gomes

Lorena Gomes

Lucas Martins (NGKS)

Lucas Alves (NGKS)


Ryggie Diamantino

Raphael Tainan de Oliveira (NGKS)

Susan Santos


Distribution | Distribution and/or Sales Agent



Other Credits | Other Credits

Unesco- Women in African history: Painting - Italian Father Cavazzi de Montecuccolo.

Illustration by Nzinga: French painter Achille Devéria

Nzinga Photography: Erik Cleves Kristensen

Codorna Alley Festival

To the Artists of the Beco da Codorna and Beco da Rua do Lazer Cultural Spaces (Goiânia-GO)

Goiânia graffiti

Fábio Gomes (Trindade-GO)

João Souto (Federal District)

Wilbert Magalhães - AKA: Will

Da Will Be Art- Graffiti & Tattoo

Willian de Sousa Sena (Uiu) - Character Otacílio


Brito Rubin

Wes Gama and Matheus Alves


Contact email | Contact Email[